Cookie Dough Anyone?

You know you’ve gotten to know your new(er) roommate when you are well aware that the new package of cookie dough in the fridge will never see the inside of the oven. Growing up, I loved sticking my finger in the bowl for the cookie dough. I thought it was so much better than the […]

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Photo Published

As you know, I take photographs for the Pentacle Theatre. Last week, I took this one particularly for the Statesman Journal to advertise Hot Flashes. Here is the link to the article. Short and sweet and they don’t give me credit, but that is my photo they used. Anyone have a copy of today’s paper

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Real Power

The reunion at George Fox was fantastic! I didn’t really know what to expect but was thrilled with the break out sessions they had. After the meeting all together downstairs, you had the choice of professors you could go hear speak about various topics, take a break, and go to another. Many of my friends

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How are you, really?

I almost gave myself a night off with the promise of catching up tomorrow afternoon but decided to go ahead and post instead. After all, I won’t get a lot of sleep as I am supposed to be up at the seminary at 9:30 in the morning. No, I am not auditing another class, that

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Put Love First

I’m always a bit nervous when I buy airline tickets, especially when it involves a public transit system on either end. (I’m staying with a friend the night before I leave and leaving my car at her house.) Still, it is a relief to have those tickets bought to go see my sister in Milwaukee,

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Technological Parenting

I live in an age where computers are common for the middle and upper class. Last night, I realized how much so. Last night I got a voicemail from my dad at 10 pm. (He didn’t know I wasn’t sleeping but was actually at a bar celebrating a birthday. So don’t worry Dad, it wasn’t

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The Lion Sleeps Tonight

I don’t remember who told me this would happen, whether it was Adria or Katie Skurja, but they said once I became more comfortable with my lion side, I would be quite the wild and untamed lion until I learned to direct it. I don’t know how much this has to do with what is

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