The Lion Sleeps Tonight

I don’t remember who told me this would happen, whether it was Adria or Katie Skurja, but they said once I became more comfortable with my lion side, I would be quite the wild and untamed lion until I learned to direct it. I don’t know how much this has to do with what is going on now, but it certainly feels lion-like. As I have gotten to know and become more comfortable with the power inside me and my ability to affect the world around me, be the actor and not the acted upon, I say what I’m thinking a lot more, I use “no” a lot more, and I candy coat my words a lot less.

I’ve read that when you are working on your boundaries, it feels like you are being rude and mean, at least at first until you used to setting and having boundaries. But tonight, I think I crossed the line and really was rude and for that I’m sorry. I need to learn to watch my words more, especially when I’m already stressed and have a lot going on. That is when those words just come out before I think much about how they will affect others and I get frustrated a lot faster. Grrr… The lion roared and is going to sleep tonight.

365-09 #132

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