Celtic Woman… WOW!

Do you ever get dropped into something absolutely wonderful for no particular reason? Something that comes as a complete surprise out of the blue? A couple of weeks ago an acquaintance e-mailed me letting me know he was given two tickets to see Celtic Woman for Christmas and asked if I would like to accompany […]

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Quotes to Think About

I’ve stayed up once again, way too late. Tonight’s excuse was making all the calculations for a quilt I’ve been hired to make and then laying that all out for the woman/friend who has hired me to do it. It’s a very good thing I like math. I really don’t have many deep thoughts for

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Drawn Into God

I wish I had a pensieve I could pour thoughts out into like Professor Dumbledore in Harry Potter. My journal is like that if I would just take the time to write in it! Working with my photography tonight, I am struck with how this one conveys so well my sense of God. 365-09 #125

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The Healer

I had forgotten I even took the quiz, “What was your profession in a past life?” on facebook while I worked on other screens. Then as I happened to click back onto it, there was the result in plain language. The answer to my questions of what am I here for, what is the true

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This morning we met before church to talk about community. This is one of the quotes we looked at: Parker Palmer – “In a true community we will not choose our companions, for our choices are so often limited by self-serving motive. Instead our companions will be given to us by grace. Often they will

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I quite honestly don’t have a lot to write about tonight. There are things I could write about, but I’m very tired which is very unusual for me this early on but I am thinking of heading to bed with a book in hand. I’m rather overwhelmed with all I have to do and pulling

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May Day Lights

This month and the next few have been and will be very focussed on our three upcoming tap shows. They will be fun AFTER some more practice! This picture is my reminder for myself and you all that there are lights in our lives that glow brighter than the sun. May Day flowers to them

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