Technological Parenting

I live in an age where computers are common for the middle and upper class. Last night, I realized how much so. Last night I got a voicemail from my dad at 10 pm. (He didn’t know I wasn’t sleeping but was actually at a bar celebrating a birthday. So don’t worry Dad, it wasn’t that late. 🙂 My parents had noticed I hadn’t been on facebook or blogging for the last several days which was quite unlike me and they were concerned. Parenting through technology, you got to love it. I was both amused and touched.

The reason I have been rather scarce from the internet world is I have too many irons in the fire and I go from one to another throughout the day and anything besides poking my head in for a quick look on facebook and e-mail was one of the extras I let go of for a while. This has also been true of the blog but if I miss a day or two, I always somehow get them in, even if just a beautiful picture or video.

I’ve also been reading books I borrowed from the library to get my mind off everything else and to learn lots of new and interesting things. “Leave Me Alone, I’m Reading”, while not what I thought it would be, did turn out to be pretty interesting if academic. Now I am working through “Personal Finances in your 20’s and 30’s”. I have quite a bit to learn in this area and it has been an enlightening experience coupled with the First Tech U-Turn challenge. (Which by the way, Adria posted a fun video. I’ll see if I can repost it here later.) It’s given me a lot to think about, especially as I have been reading through the investment section. I remember being taught some of this in high school and college, but it certainly has been fascinating to read it all again, especially when I am in a better position to do something about it. I now find myself wondering what my friends do for their personal finances. Like many other things, everyone does it but we rarely talk about it. At least, when you’re this age we usually don’t.

I’m off to go shelve some more books. I got called in for Richmond Library today, (happy dance!), and am thrilled to be here. God always knows what I need and a day here with Adria and the books was definately that thing. It’s the balm of Gilead for a frazzled soul.

365-09 #133

1 thought on “Technological Parenting”

  1. We are glad to see you are well. Just a dad and mom keeping an eye on their youngest of the troop. Love you Dad and Mom

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