Question of the Age

Yesterday morning I got together with a friend for coffee and the conversation turned to dating. Not a terribly easy topic to write about, but I am supposed to be working on another writing topic and am having a hard time doing so because this is on my mind. Not the dating part, the single […]

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God Help the Outcasts

When the “Hunchback of Notre Dame” movie came out when I was in high school, this song deeply resonated with me. As I have told you before, I was teased and trampled on in my later school years when I didn’t know how to stand up for myself, glad that has changed, but at the

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Project Week

I have spent most of my day either straightening the house where I was house sitting or working on the Quaker Youth Book Project. Most of the time went to the book. It’s just one of those weeks when I get very focussed on the projects at hand and put other things off until the

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The Living Bible

Sometimes how we act and what we do speaks a lot louder than anything we could ever say. I may not remember things you’ve said to me but I will always remember what you did. Reading this in my e-mail in-box was a beautiful reminder of that for me today.___________________ His name is Bill. He

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Looking Back: A New View

A friend of mine and I were driving back tonight from a play in McMinville we had attended with others from the Pentacle Theatre. On our way home, he asked about my story and what has made me who I am today. I shared with him some of the process of transformation and healing that

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The Middle Ages

Today was my once a year visit to the medieval reenactment group I used to be a part of. I had a good time and it was nice to see some people, but it was also a good reminder that it was great for a certain period in my life but that I am at

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The Enchanted Forrest

Yesterday, I re-experienced the “Enchanted Forrest” through the eyes of a child. My friend, Randy, and I took his granddaughter, Hannah, there as a summer treat and we had a fantastic time. Like many men and women my age who have grown up in Salem, I have fond memories of visiting the “Enchanted Forrest” many

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A Really Awesome Night!

Tonight I had one of those totally unexpected really awesome nights. I called my friend Deborah and asked her if she wanted to go to a concert in the park with me. It was one of those times when we could both go so we were already excited. As I waited for her, my friend

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