A Really Awesome Night!

Tonight I had one of those totally unexpected really awesome nights. I called my friend Deborah and asked her if she wanted to go to a concert in the park with me. It was one of those times when we could both go so we were already excited. As I waited for her, my friend Christie saw me and told me where she was sitting. As it turns out, she was singing with the band. What fun! Deborah saw others she knew and we even hooked up a friend of hers to try and be the male vocals for the band in the future. Talk about God using you to arrange meetings of people you hardly know… The music was great and it was an enjoyable, a relaxing way to spend a summer night.

Afterwards, I ran into another friend’s husband and ended up back at their house (a block away) sipping an Italian soda and playing the new version of Clue. Nathan, age 7, was my partner, and we played his sister, her friend, and my friend’s husband. (My friend was at a rehearsal.) we had a lot of fun! Mrs. Peach, by the way, was the guilt party and we found her at the fair. (Nathan and I won!) It was such a fun way to spend time with them and I like those kids. I did get to see my friend, in case you were wondering. We talked when she got home which was also great because I’ve missed her. Sometimes, God’s plans for our time turn out so much better than our own. (I was just going to go home after the concert which would have only made the dog happy.)

I have been trying to fit a lot of “summer” in between the two theatre shows I’m involved in (on top of the photography). In late September, I’ll start running lights for “Stop Kiss” so until then, I am thoroughly enjoying all the fun activities summer has to offer. I’ve met up with friends, gone hiking, played games, went swimming, picked berries, played disc golf, and in the coming days I’m going to the Enchanted Forrest (amusement park for young children), attending a medieval event, a play, and I’m going to a church picnic on Sunday. I just know that come late September and October, my schedule is going to tighten up between work and running lights at night. In September, I’m going camping!

365-09 #220

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