We Can Tell the Truth…

Last Sunday I pulled a card out from the “Box of Truth” at church. It’s a shoe box with an opening on top and quotes on cards inside. You can take a card out and think on it, even take it home if you so desire. Sometimes, the quote is errily apporopriate for the person […]

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Oregon Authors

I have come up with a new button for all authors: “Anything you say or do can be used in my next book!” My fellow authors at the “Oregon Authors” booth at the state fair really like the idea. We agree that we should come with a warning. My friend, Dolores, lives a ways away

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Riches Beyond Compare

I was thinking yesterday about how blessed I am to have such rich relationships in my life. People who love me and whom I love. They are worth more than any amount of money or material possessions, so much more that it makes the comparison look ridiculous. Talking with a friend last night on the

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Places We Treasure

Yesterday morning at church Bob brought a message about how in everyone’s life are places that we sometimes put aside without realizing how important it is to us. What is more, this place we’ve cast aside is a way we talk to God. Without this piece of our hearts, we miss some of the relationship

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My Fair Lady Outtakes

Part of the fun of taking the photography for the theatre is goofing around with the cast and crew who, let’s admit it, can be downright silly. I learned early on how well it can work during head shots to have them make silly faces so I can get a real smile out of them

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Life: Priceless Treasure

Tonight I was driving up to Portland for our small group meeting listening to my music and letting my mind think and wander where it pleased as I drove. I was just switching lanes to let someone who wanted to go faster than me pass by when I saw everyone was slowing down ahead of

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Warm Fuzzies

Hannah, the little girl I went with to the Enchanted Forrest, gave me a carnation that night at her house. It was very kind of her and it is a beautiful flower, light pink with deep purple edging on all the petals. When I came back home after house sitting, I placed the flower in

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Planting Word Seeds

This afternoon, I am working on putting submissions for the Quaker Youth Book Project into order within the chapters and as I work, I’ve started thinking about what our editorial board is doing. For me, it seems that lately I’ve been concentrating so much on all the little things that need doing for the book

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Truth in the Dawn

This morning I woke up very early to the sunlight just beginning to seep it’s way through the thick cloud cover. Figuring I was awake for good, I thought the early morning would afford a nice opportunity to write in the quiet dawn. I gathered up my quilt, put on a cup of tea, and

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