Learning the Language

British English versus American English are two different languages.  On top of pronouncing words differently we use different words for the same things.  My first few days in England were partially spent learning and getting the hang of these words and learning to understand the British accent.  Here are several words I have learned to […]

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Loose in London

I’m writing this while on the Eurostar, traveling from London, England to Brussels, Belgium. At the moment, we are traveling in the tunnel underneath the English Channel. Having researched the other options, this is by far the easiest way to travel to the continent from London. The last several days have been extraordinarily full but

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And So It Begins…

As I write, I am flying thirty-five thousand feet in the air. One hundred years ago, this was beyond people’s perceptions. If they saw a plane flying, they would assume it was falling through the air. Not possible! Earlier this week I met with my friend MaryKate who has known me for years and we sat

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Being Held

(This post was started at home and finished at the airport so it says two days until I leave but I am actually about to board the plane.) “I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in

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Follow by E-Mail

You can now follow this blog through e-mail.  By simply typing in your e-mail address in the box on the right and clicking submit, an e-mail of the post will be sent to you whenever I write something new.  Thank you for bringing this possibility to my attention Katie!

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Traveling Minute

This is my traveling minute from Freedom Friends Church for the upcoming trip. Among Quakers/Friends, a traveling minute serves as a way of introduction and authentication for someone in ministry as they travel to places in which they may not be known.  I am grateful to Freedom Friends for writing this one on my behalf.

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Live the Question

“You are so young. You stand before beginnings. I would like to beg of you, dear friend, as well as I can – to have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions like locked rooms. Like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the

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