Community: Dragon Boat Style

I think I should write a book and call it, “Everything I Learned about Community, I Learned on a Dragon Boat.”  “What?” you say, “What is a dragon boat?” followed, I am sure, by the exclamation, “Sarah, you get yourself into the craziest things!”  This, I readily admit, is true. I’ll start at the beginning.  […]

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Kung Fu Quaker

One of my very favorite teachers from high school is absolutely delighted I am with the Quaker church, thrilled I agree that the way to peace is not through violence. Being a Mennonite, we are what you could call peace testimony cousins and she really likes that fact. As a high school student, I wouldn’t

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Dropping Leaves

I’m sitting at one of my favorite coffee shops. It’s where I come when I want to meet a friend or to be with other people so I have the illusion of company without actually interacting with those around me. It’s a perfect setting to get some work done- I feel accountable to them somehow. 

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Too Good of a Story

This is just too good of a story not to tell. It’s a story about how God answers the unasked prayers we never think to pray in shocking ways. I’m still grinning. The story starts a week ago on my birthday. I was meeting up with my mom to celebrate when she told me about

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Happy Birthday!

I have been told by many adults older than I that their birthdays are just another day. When I was young, I was aghast at this idea. How could your birthday be just like any other? Now that I’m older, I have a better idea what they mean. It is an easy thing to do, once all those youthful

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The Story of Jonah

Dear Friends, Every once in a while I come across a story, song, or video that captures so beautifully the heart of God and I love sharing them with you.  This is one a friend posted on Facebook tonight and it is extraordinary. A few years ago, I was at our local Jewish temple and the

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Needed Rest

Once I was seated on the plane during my first leg of the trip, it didn’t take me long to pull out a book to read.  I had been looking forward to that moment for two months.  Well, I would have been looking forward to it if I’d had the time.  I was so intensely

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