Daring to Open the Door

I have long heard tales about the glories of the Woodbrooke library, how it is a literal treasure trove of hundreds of years of Quaker thought, writings from as long as Quakers have been practicing this particular spirituality.  I have been told how people come from far and wide to study here and to open […]

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A Room of One’s Own

By the time I arrived at Woodbrooke, it had already been a long traveling day and I was tired.  Between the Metro, Eurostar, walking, train, and bus, I was ready to set my bags down and to rest a while.  So after signing in, a woman brought me upstairs to show me my room.  Walking

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An Interview with God

The foothills of the Swiss Alps, Paris streets, and a German café – it has been a whirlwind adventure thus far for our traveling minister. Now at the half-way mark of her European speaking tour, this roving Walking the Sea guest reporter managed to sit down with Sarah on the Eurostar train while heading back

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How the Lion Learned to Roar

I was sitting tonight in business meeting as the Europe and Middle East Section of FWCC made nominations for the needed committees while we’re here in Herzberg, Switzerland. It’s often interesting to see how other Quakers besides my own meeting do business as my meeting is, admittedly, of a different variety, particularly as it relates

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The Road to Herzberg

So how long do you think it will take before the people here realize they are being blogged about?  Most here don’t know who I am yet (it won’t take long) and don’t know I’m a blogger so I’ll be able to get away with some things until they do.  The house church I go to

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You Know this Painting?

  “What did you say about that painting, Simon?” I ask from across the small wooden gallery. “It was painted here.” “REALLY?” “You know this painting?” he asks in surprise. “Of course!” Hugh and I exclaim together. I join them over by the stairs for a closer look.  I know the painting well but I have never stopped

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