Build Anyway

Tonight as I was getting ready for bed, I was thinking about what it is like to step out in faith, to prepare your heart, your life, for something that you hope will happen but don’t know for sure if it will. It is like that moment when a trapeez artist lets go of their […]

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An Experience for Thought

This is one of those posts where I share an experience and ask the questions without really giving much in the way of answers. I was at church tonight, (imagine youngish adults sitting in a large circle), when we were discussing Matthew 18 and forgiveness. I was intrigued, Jordan had pointed out how the parable

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Life is a lot like that

Life is a lot like sand art. You think life is going to be one image and with a turn of God’s hand, he transforms it into something quite different. Same sand, same hands, new picture. It keeps on changing from one wonder to another. We don’t always understand what God is transforming life into,

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Friday Night – Fun!

Deanna asked me how I would be spending my Friday night if she wasn’t down here visiting. I told her I would probably be home working on my computer or taking photos of the My Fair Lady cast hanging out in their dressing room. She said she would be napping/defuzzing her afghan. “No wonder we’re

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Diversity Comes to Life

I wrote the following as a report on the Wholeness and Diversity Conference I attended last March. Enjoy! Being born and raised in the Northwest, I haven’t been exposed to a great deal of diversity in my life. Living an hour away from the Pacific Ocean, this area has only been settled by the white

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Merely an Observation

As I walked around the Oregon State Fair today, I was reminded of a phrase I learned from William P. Young, author of The Shack. “It’s an observation, not a value statement.” What that means is when I say something, I am merely stating something I sense or see, it is not about your value

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Why Now?

Which comes first? People asking about your story or your willingness to tell it? I don’t have the answers but I sure have been asking the questions. It’s actually only a part of my story. Not only can I never fully even know my own story to tell it, but there are parts that have

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