The Next Steps

When I said things were going to come fast and furious, apparently I meant it. Eden, the missionary in Kenya I have been talking to and who is helping plan all this, let those of us who are traveling as ambassadors know about our choices of itinerary. There are eight of us and I believe […]

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Life Needs to be Lived

I have come to realize I have a method for when I travel: 1. Decide where I’m going.2. Get excited.3. Go to the library and check out at least five books about where I’m going. These can include but are not limited to travel books, books on what I may find there such as animals,

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A Life of Love and Meaning

At first, I wasn’t sure what had woken me up so early. Still half asleep, I rolled over in bed, barely making out the early morning sun just peeking over the horizon, shining light between the clouds. It had been a good dream, like being awashed in love, and I wanted to savor that feeling

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Please Explain to Me…

I got this comment on yesterday’s post: “I just read your blog. Please explain to me why you feel God is a woman. I have never heard that one before.” I wrote about this topic last year so before reflecting on why I chose to use that particular image of God, I am going to

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A Pensieve Night

Tonight at church, we played the name game as we often do. We go around the circle, give our name and then answer a question. Sometimes it’s a funny question, sometimes more serious. Tonight was very open ended: “What is on your mind tonight?” Collectivly, we had a lot on our minds tonight including me.

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Fun Weekend!

I had quite a fun weekend. We played cards, walked the beach, took a hike in the woods, sat around the campfire, and played with the dogs. After the last week and a half of working so much on my computer, it felt great to let go of the load I was carrying for a

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I’m Going Camping!

I’m off to go camping at the beach. It will be a fun weekend! I wanted to at least do one camping trip this year so I have been defending this weekend like no other. I’m looking forward to the fun and relaxation. I’ve been working a lot on my computer this week so it

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Life is Like…

Life is like blackberry bushes in the summer. There is an abundance of delectable fruit to be picked off the vine but you have to get past the thorns first. The berries are indeed worth the thorns, but just watch out for them. Life is like putting fertilizer in the garden. We regularly get crap

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