God Knows What I Need

God knows exactly what I need and today is certainly a good example of that. With all the vaccinations I am taking, there seems to be two or three days of feeling “under the weather” a few days after I get each round of shots. It’s not fun. Substituting, you never know what you’ll get […]

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God in the Darkness

Note: I wrote this in response to a fellow student’s posting from the mystics class. I believe we tend to sense God more deeply in the darkness because we cannot rely on our five physical senses and must therefore rely on that deeper intuition that God is nearby. We must reach out for him with

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Update on Michael

Great news! Michael opened his eyes yesterday and is responding! The doctors are going to try letting him breathe on his own today and he is going to have an MRI to look at his brain functioning. The family has started a blog to let everyone know how Michael is doing. You can find it

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A Love Worth Serving

This evening at church we had been discussing how one can be the image of God to those around us, particularly through service and conversations. What I talked to our pastor, Jordan, more about afterward was the place service has in our lives. Though our conversation in the group was more along the lines of

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Join Me in Prayer

I think I understand better the dream I had with God. In my journal I wrote that it was like being with God on the other side of death, the darker side beyond death. Let me tell you, when you’re actually there, it’s darker still. Last night, my friend’s son hung himself. I can hardly

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Africa Update

Last Thursday I got two of the vaccinations I needed and have slept more than usual since. Tomorrow I get two more. I feel sorry for my body. I already put it through a flu shot and it thanked me by feeling under the weather for about two days. I also took a pint of

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In Dreams He Came…

Last night God came to me in my dreams. He doesn’t do it often but when He does, it’s always very powerful and always stays with me for a very long time. This particular one has been in my head and heart all day. I originally wanted to take the mystics class at the seminary

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Stop Kiss Backstage

Part of the “photography package” for a show is me spending some time with the cast taking pictures of them putting makeup on and hanging out. It is actually one of my favorite parts of what I do. Last night they were a little camera shy so I put the really good zoom lense on

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Find Your Wings

It has been a full day full of work at home, going out and joining Marjorie’s family for lunch, and going to see Stop Kiss tonight. I got a lot of that little stuff done and that feels good. As a follow up to yesterday’s post on what does a hero do when they lose

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