Join Me in Prayer

I think I understand better the dream I had with God. In my journal I wrote that it was like being with God on the other side of death, the darker side beyond death. Let me tell you, when you’re actually there, it’s darker still.

Last night, my friend’s son hung himself. I can hardly grasp it, it’s a living nightmare. It’s having evil, darkness, and horror an inch from your face. Michael’s mom and step-dad found him and he is currently in the ICU in an induced coma. My heart is breaking for them, especially for his mom whom I love dearly.

Tonight there was a prayer vigil outside the hospital. About 70 young adults showed up to pray, sing, and hold each other in our pain. All day, tears have kept coming. It was incredibly comforting to be with people who share in the pain. We were all staring the same evil in the face and in response, we sang. Outside the emergency room in a large circle, we lifted our voices in tender worship for song after song. We prayed, we cried, we lifted up love for his family. His sister led the vigil with God’s word and prayers of her own. If you can affect what we cannot see, if you can hold up power in prayer, then something incredibally beautiful and unbelievably strong was created tonight.

In a few hours, at 4 am, the doctors are going to start bringing his tempreture back up though it may be days before they know anything. Please pray for Michael, his family and friends. May God’s peace and love surround them and bless them with the peace giving sleep they need right now. Amen.

365-09 #295

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