Safe as Can Be

While planning this trip to Kenya, I have heard repeatedly about the steriotype of any white person oozing money wherever they go. On one hand, I’m not rich. In some ways, I’m financially poor but I also know there are a lot of people who even live nearby who make it with a great deal

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Fundraising Letter

This is the fundraising letter I am sending out to help raise the rest of the funds for Africa. THANK YOU to everyone who has helped out thus far; I am truly humbled and grateful for you assistance. Sarah Katreen HoggattPO Box 7522Salem, OR 97303 Monday, October 26, 2009 Dear Friends, As many of you

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Africa Update – Yay!

I thought it might be time for a new Africa update: I now know which safari company I’m going with. Now I just need to work out the details of sending her the deposit which Eden, who is in Kenya, is kindly going to help me with. I also am pretty sure which hostel I’m

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The Blue Jay

One day in early autumn, a blue jay was flying past a house. As the blue jay flew by, he saw a lovely chimney and he decided to stop and talk to it. “I was just flying past when I noticed what a lovely chimney you are. Your bricks are so red and you stand

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Places of Illumination

I needed to hear this today, I thought you might too. “Darkness is really not so different from places of illumination, it’s simply that the light hasn’t touched it yet. In essence darkness and light are the same in that God is fully present in both, and that is the most important reality. The other

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Thomas Merton

I loved this quote by Thomas Merton: “He who attempts to act and do things for others or for the world without deepening his own self-understanding, freedom, integrity, and capacity to love, will not have anything to give others.” I have been thinking a lot lately about the importance of service and of taking care

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Words I Remember

It’s amazing what you can learn in the schools. Last week I was listening in on one of Adria’s lessons with the kids in the library. I often listen in on what she is saying for I have found there is much wisdom in lessons to third graders. That lesson was no exception. The kids

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The Deeper Dream

Today turned out to be quite different than I had been planning on. I was going to go to church and women’s group. That was it. But God, as he often does, had different plans. I did go to church and I did get to come back home, edit for the book project and take

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A New Glory

Though already a few hours into the morning, the forest is still seemingly cloaked in barely lightened dawn. A lone bird quietly sings the day’s arrival as we make our way through the eerily silent trees. Muted yellows and puddles of red mixed with the green trees among the hills, autumn slipped in among the

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