Rock Check-Up

So it’s been five days since I dumped the jar and I thought I would give you an update.  Let me tell you, it’s hard to keep the other rocks from slipping back into the jar.  I’ve been invited to go country line dancing, to a concert, and to a potluck, all things I would

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First Thing’s First!

So I actually did it. I made the space for change. (Earlier post can be found here.) I realized that now fall has begun with work in the schools and house sitting, that I was pushed to the very edge of my margins and that once again, what needed to be done, namely reprinting the

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A New Look

Yes, this is the same blog, but with a new look.  I’ve had the old design since I began this blog and I have been thinking about trying a new one out for some time now.  You would think that someone who has traveled to the other side of the world wouldn’t be so nervous

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The Rumors are True!

Those rumors you have been hearing are indeed, very true.  I know it’s hard to believe, I know it’s been a long time in coming but yes, what you have been dreaming of so often, longed and yearned for with all your might will soon be a reality!  I am reprinting.  Feels like Christmas doesn’t it? 

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