What a Great Time!

I got home late last night safe and sound. It’s a good thing my friend, Julie, offered to talk me home on my cell phone, I was tired. She did most of the talking too, formulating coherent thoughts and voicing them was a challenge for me so I am most grateful.

Yesterday morning my sister and I got up and were out the door by 9:30 to go enjoy the Harley-Davidson Museum. I now know a lot more than I ever thought I would about motorcycles and Harley-Davidsons in particular. My favorite parts of the museum were the hands-on exhibit where you got to play with various parts of the engine to see and feel how they work and the room with all the motorcycles of different ages you got to sit on. A third favorite was the motorcycles through time display where you saw how they changed through the years. I understand the museum is pretty new and already a Mecca for Harley-Davidson riders.

In the afternoon we headed up the street from my sister’s apartment the Miller Brewing Company. The tour includes a video, “Miller Time”, somewhat informative if heavy on the propaganda side, a tour though the brewing and packaging rooms, the historical caves underground, with time in the drinking house for samples. Let me tell you, they don’t give out little paper cup samples either, these are three full glasses of beer one after the other. I am told you do NOT order Budweiser in Milwaukee. Miller all the way. They eat and drink a lot in Milwaukee. It’s a good thing we did so much walking because I might otherwise have gained some weight with all the fried foods.

All in all, I had a great time. It was great to see Megan, to spend time together and have fun. Most of the places we saw: Madison, the zoo, and the Harley-Davidson Museum were places she had never been before either so it was new for both of us. I also loved going to Mo’s Irish Pub, it is not only an awesome building architecturally, but I loved all the signs, the decor, and especially the food and drink. We had a fun time there.

Now I will be working on completing all those things I knew I would need to be attended to when I got home. Fun, fun, fun!

365-09 #152

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