Giving Myself Margins

I have been thinking a lot about rhythm and balance. In my life, I have an internal rhythm I am learning to pay attention to. For example, I know two hours doing something is about my limit before I need a break. This may be working on a project at home, at work, or even going out for a coffee with a friend. After about two hours, I start fighting it and need to do something else. Without a formal job and flexible time on my hands, I have been thinking how I would like to arrange my time so I get what I need to done but also keep my body and soul nourished. This morning I tried something new. First I woke up at a decent hour, put in about an hour and a half working on the Pentacle photos, then went swimming for a bit. I like swimming in the mornings because no one is there, the pool is in full sunlight, the sky is the deepest blue you have seen, and I like the exertion and time to think at the beginning of the day. Whether it’s swimming, writing in my journal, walking, or reading, I like the idea of putting in work first and then taking that time for myself. It’s kind of like a farmer doing chores at dawn and then coming in for breakfast. I think there may be something to that rhythm. From there, my schedule is going to vary a lot from day to day but when I got home from working as a personal assistant in the afternoon, I took a nap before going to tap dancing rehearsal. I had been “on” the whole afternoon and I could feel I needed that time to just take time and rest.

I tend to work on a project full tilt until I’m done but I can’t do that and sustain myself. I have to give myself space, margins. I’m also learning I can’t leave the truly important things for when I’m done with the things that are due. If I keep leaving the important things for when I’m done with everything else, if I don’t make space for what I am really called to do, I will never get to it. This is what I’m working on now.

365-09 #180

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