One Word Answers

My big sister, Beth, filled this out and sent it to me so I thought I would give it a whirl…TYPE ONLY 1 WORD. IT’S HARDER THEN YOU THINK!!!1. Where is your cell phone? pocket?2. Your significant other? God3. Your hair? … Blonde/Red4. Your mother? Hmm…5. Your father?…. fun6. Your favorite thing? friends7. Your dream […]

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Hold Onto Your Dreams

(This is being cross-posted from my publishing website, It goes out with a big thank you to all those who have encouraged me as I’ve dreamed.) He said he would never put me in front of a congregation, I was not a speaker. It didn’t matter he had never bothered to let me try

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On the Road to Reedwood

I have an uncanny knack for visiting churches when there is food involved. I never plan it that way but it often happens. I believe the first time I visited Freedom Friends, it was potluck Sunday. The time I visited Multnomah? You guessed it, potluck Sunday. I’ve heard one meeting calls potlucks, “meetings for eating”.

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Gift of Old Friends

Tonight I went to Corvallis to watch a reading theatre piece my friend, Lee, was performing in. I’d seen her in theatre before so I knew this was not to be missed. Many of my most cherished memories from my senior year at Oregon State University have her in them. When I first saw her,

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Public Notice Update

Sarah and her laptop are now home and recovering from their ordeal. Dr. Abe from Batteries Plus Hospitle confirmed the diagnosis with a bit of a discount on the needed medication. The laptop is now up and running better than it has in some time. However, recovery will take a few days, not that Sarah

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