Happy Halloween!

For Halloween my roommate invited me to go on a photo scavenger hunt with her young adult group from church. It sounded like fun, I sometimes join the group for fun activities, so she picked me up after I gave dollar bills to the only trick or treaters we’ve ever had, (I wasn’t about to […]

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The Will of God Part 3

Do you ever wonder what the goals of our lives God really has in mind? Somehow, I don’t think it’s the same ones we have. This is just a brainstorm, but I think it’s more along the lines of who we are inside, the way we love the people around us, respect the earth and

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More on the Will of God

Pumpkin obtained. (See below post.) Now I’ll have something to drum on during our Halloween party at tap dancing class tomorrow. I’m not going to write much more tonight, more tomorrow, but I did want to tell you a bit about the truths I learnd. I think the biggest thing I learned is God respects

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The Will of God

Okay, before I write what I need to, let me just tell you my roommate has been going through the mail and she is laughing her head off with each piece. As you all know, it’s election time, and I got about 20 pieces of political mail. I saw the pile, it’s not an exageration.

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Honesty and my iPod

By the way, I am LOVING my iPod. It’s fantastic and I even figured out how to use it. My roommate is still mad at me for getting one. Though, I should tell you she was a little better when I told her I would share. I brought it with me to work, yes, that’s

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Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Okay, my birthday actually isn’t for a few more weeks but today I went down to the silent auction they were holding in the breakroom at work for the American Cancer Society and there on the table, was a blank bid for an ipod. It started at $150. Now, I do have a stashed away

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Riding in the Dark

I had a dream last night that has been in the back of my mind all day. I was riding a bike at Riverfront Park in the town where I live around the sidewalks. It was bright and sunny, but up ahead, I could see the line where darkness began, like a line between day

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