Enjoying Milwaukee

I got to Milwaukee safe and sound. The flights here were completely uneventful-just how I like them. When I talked to my sister tonight and confirmed I am here, she exclaimed, “Yay!” That meant so much to me. I spent the flight getting overdue thank you notes written, journaling, and reading two books I brought

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A Place I Can Paint

I am just about to head up to Portland to stay the night at a friend’s house before flying out in the morning. I’m even checked in already. I’ll try and keep up everyday with the blog, let you know how everything is going. This afternoon, I was leaving the school I substituted at when

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Packing for Milwaukee

I’ve spent a good deal of my day getting ready for and packing for my trip. Most of the packing is now finished, the stuff I will need to work on tomorrow are the things I want to have done by the time I leave. We’ll see how I do. It’s been my lesson in

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Hearing the Earth

Today my friends Julie, Shawn and I went hiking in the Columbia Gorge. It was a beautiful day, perfect for a hike and we picked a good one to do. For those in Oregon, you start just west of Multnomah Falls and go up two miles of switch backs to the top of the ridge.

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Drunks are Funny

I’ve decided that drunk people can be pretty funny. I was out last night with a friend and her husband at a karaoke bar with a larger group and then we went to another bar because her husband wanted to dance. An acquaintance from where I used to work saw me there and was surprised

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Servant Leadership

A few posts ago I told about a talk I heard on servant leadership. Today I saw it in action. While working in an elementary office this morning, the music teacher asked me to cut out these giant nautical wheels, nine in all. I was thinking after completing the first one, the other eight were

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I’m All Booked Up

Step by step, item by item, I’ve been going through things, cleaning them up, getting rid of them, making straight the way. One of the things I did was go through my bookshelves. This would have been a hard process if I had discarded more than a few. 🙂 But how can I? They are

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