Slipping Away

I’m really tired emotionally tonight. I enjoyed my weekend but it was internally exhausting. The next two weeks promises to not be much better at a time when I really need the inward quiet. It’s one of those times when I wish I could just slip into another reality for a time and come back […]

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Falling In

Today has been one of those full and fun days. Tomorrow promises to be the same. However, a lot is on my mind and I wish there was some kind of outlet where I could quiet it down. After this morning’s tap class, I came home, went to the pool, and threw myself in. Fully

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Thunder Storm

Tonight I’ve been working on newsletters for my website. It is now updated as far as May and I’m working on writing the one for June. When school gets out, I’ll be tweaking the website a bit. It’s one of those things that have fallen under the category of “when school gets out…” Today we

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Reaching Out

I had a conversation with someone tonight that made me think more about a theme that has kept coming up lately. Do you have someone in your life you love but who does not make the effort to have a good relationship with you? If you do, you know how much that can hurt. It

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What a Great Time!

I got home late last night safe and sound. It’s a good thing my friend, Julie, offered to talk me home on my cell phone, I was tired. She did most of the talking too, formulating coherent thoughts and voicing them was a challenge for me so I am most grateful. Yesterday morning my sister

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A Day in Madison

We are at Megan’s apartment resting before going to Mo’s Irish Pub. This morning I accompanied Ian and Sara to a pilates class. It was quite fun and a great workout. The teacher was encouraging and gentle. I really appreciated that. Megan and I went to Madison and walked State Street between the University and

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