What I’ve Been Up To

“So Sarah, what in the world have you been up to all week that you would neglect your blog?” I can hear you all saying that so I thought today I would show you what I have been up to. Every show is special to me for different reasons, the people, the story, what I […]

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Busy Week

I let the blogging slide most of this week as I’ve spent every night out at the theatre working on the pictures for the show that opened last night. I don’t need to be there tonight but am going anyway to put a nameplate with the picture as Pentacle usually does that and to bring

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Giving Myself Margins

I have been thinking a lot about rhythm and balance. In my life, I have an internal rhythm I am learning to pay attention to. For example, I know two hours doing something is about my limit before I need a break. This may be working on a project at home, at work, or even

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