Five Minutes a Day

I was listening to the radio while driving the other day when the announcer talked about a new Bible for “busy moms” claiming that with all the multitasking moms do, this Bible would help them take five minutes for God. Five minutes? That is all God gets out of a day? In fraction form, that […]

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Holy Communion

My breath is still taken away into the Divine after watching communion tonight. It was beautiful. We usually leave the bread and juice on a table in the middle of our circle and we go and partake during a song or two. But tonight was a little different. Turner handed the elements to two people

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Never the Same – New Eyes

This afternoon I was looking through the local newspaper and read an article on circumcision as an effort to stem the epidemic of AIDS in Africa. (Even after reading the article, I’m not sure how circumcision helps with this.) While reading the words, I saw the AIDS patients I met at the clinic at Lugulu

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This is the report I wrote to the three groups that gave me the grants that made it possible for me to go minister in Kenya: the Susan Bax Foundation, the International Outreach Granting Group of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and the Youth Opportunity Fund Granting Group of North Pacific Yearly Meeting. I thank God for

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Tonight I watched the movie, “One Night with the King”, the story of Esther who saved the Jewish people, my people. We are celebrating her triumph at the end of the month at temple as “Purim”. I love the scene when she bursts through the doors into the king’s throne room and walks deliberately through

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Diamonds, Brilliant and Clear

My friend, Christine, has been keeping a blog I love reading. She has always had such insight and spirit. This part of her most recent post was so filled with truth, I am sharing it with you. You can find her blog at: “This is a lot for me to digest. Because it seems

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The Oak Tree

It took me about five minutes to realize the class was a handful to say the least and it wasn’t hard to pick out the instigators, the ones who acted out verbally and physically on an incredibly regular basis. They were the ones screaming, throwing tantrums, hitting and pushing each other. I wondered how their

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I think it is high time to give you all a general update on some things I’ve mentioned here on the blog. Quaker Youth Book Project: We are currently working on the cover art and looking through the final manuscript before it goes to print to be officially released in late April of this year.

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Try Again

I went to Ecclessia tonight (church) instead of staying home for a good cry. It was a hard night and I was upset and frustrated over something I have struggled with for nearly half a year and tonight I was an inch away from my breaking point. Deciding that I was too emotional to talk

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Train Conductor God

As I write this, I’m sitting at the bar facing the windows of my favorite coffee shop. I love the open feel of the place, the light streaming in from the street, the white and wood detail with the little cream colored lights trailing around the banister of the upper level of tables. It’s a

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