Balloon Man-God

Lately, I have felt like a balloon animal twisted and turned and unwound all at the same time. Last week was extremely busy and by the end of it, I was completely drained, I didn’t have anything left to give, I felt tight and all twisted up inside. Enter the balloon master. Out of his bag, he pulls out a green balloon and blew it up with his breath. I thought this odd and a bit troublesome until he started twisting and turning it in his hands and when he was finished, there was a beautiful balloon tree he held out to me as a gift. Surprised and pleased,I took it from his hands and started unwinding myself. I love it when he gives me exactly what I need when I need it. I feel cared for and loved.

To put this in layman’s terms, I was given a house sitting job out in the country after just finishing another one that had taken place during my busy week. At first, I thought, “I’ve already been gone a week!” But then I started realizing the benefits to being out in the country for a rather unscheduled week and I took a deep breath,enjoying where I found myself. In a beautiful setting, out in the hills, what a great time to write and relax,to refill myself when that is so desperately needed.

In this endeavor, I am not alone. I am surrounded by several animals and I do believe this takes second place in the amount of animals I have house sat for at one time: 4 dogs, two cats, three chickens, one rooster, three goldfish, and a rabbit. Fifteen llamas, one dog, and three cats is hard to beat. There is actually someone who comes in the morning for the rooster, chickens, and two of the dogs and I do the rest of the day. Let me describe some of these animals for you. First we have Ghita. Think of a Tazmanian Devil Mop and you have a great picture of her. She’s pretty cute and usually has some small beloved stuffed animal in her mouth that she carries around. For her compatriot, think of a small stuffed black sheep in the shape of a poodle and you have Peanut, the distance runner. That dog has speed. Luckily, she also listens, mostly, so I don’t lose her. The bunny, I am quite sure, is possessed. Every time I reach in it’s cage to put food in its bowl, it lunges for my hand. I am thinking of getting it on some kind of mental medication as it is the most frightening part of the day.

That is, is was frightening until I discovered I have been harboring killers in the household. Last night when I went into to the bathroom before going to bed, I came upon a gruesome murder scene. There was blood and guts, a severed head,and the killers I am sure were still lurking. After plucking the bloody eyeballs off the floor and the scattered feathers while managing not to retch, I fell asleep hoping I was too big for the cats to pick on me.

The house itself is on a wooded hill and there are so many stairs going from one room to the next, I feel like I am going through one of those staircase mazes all the time. A great workout. Being out there on my own could be a little frightening except for the fact that my friend and her husband live just up the hill. Knowing they are nearby if I needed help is comforting. The owners also have several books by Kahil Gibran, one of my favorite poets and a hot tub so I am a happy camper. Still, it will be nice to get home next week but who knows for how long. Meanwhile, I will be out herein the woods taking some time for myself and writing for the next book. Have a great week!

1 thought on “Balloon Man-God”

  1. Wow, that was a long list of animals. I was expecting a joke like there all balloon animals. 😉

    It’s good to be a balloon animals, they bring joy to so many people. So don’t feel bad if your a balloon animals you’re making people happy, but stay away form porcupines and cactus and you’ll be OK.

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