Sesame Street – Old School

We seem to get slower and slower starts in the morning. I am sitting at the kitchen counter while Emily, Katrina, and Rachel make breakfast. Cara is next to me reading a book. (Imagine reading something besides submissions!) Breakfast smells good – french toast, bacon, and catntelope. John just came downstairs and I know the rest of them are upstairs are getting ready. (Half of us down here are still in our pajamas.) Breakfast is supposed to be at 8, it’s now 7:58.

Last night we kidnapped Peggy Parsons and Katie Terrell from the QUIP meeting along with Stephen Dotson for dinner with us. It was fun to have them over and we got regailed with African bus stories. John is no longer allowed to travel on the African bus system for our project. We got Peggy over with the promise of time with Lily, Wess’s daughter. It wasn’t hard, sixteen month olds are hard to turn down. After Peggy left, Stephen interviewed me for a project about young adult Quakers and transitions. It was fun to talk with him and get to share some of my experiences. After that, I went downstairs and joined the rest of the crew watching Old School Sesame Street. Lily had been going around the day before with her DVD showing it to each of us as if to say, “Will you please put this in for me? You’re the weak link in the chain aren’t you?” So last night we all watched it with her -cracked us up! Most of us grew up watching Sesame Street, even Harriet in England, so there were shouts of, “I remember that!” and “Oh, Snuffleupagus!” “I think I remember this one.” It was a sweet time as Cara shared with us later.

I’ll write about the panel a little later – breakfast smells really good and I’m going to go claim my share.

365-09 #110

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