My computer is having issues charging. I don’t understand it but I understand it enough to frustrate me. Things like cars and computers are great until they stop working. I would really like my computer to keep working. A non-working computer is one of the last things I need right now.
This afternoon I was working on type-setting my church’s Faith and Practice and I needed some text as a place holder for the introduction. I pulled up my research paper on Mechthild of Magdeburg to use, one of my absolute favorite mystics, and read some of what I wrote. What she said touched me all over again and gratefulness for the relationship God and I have had and continue to have washed over me like a cascading river. She is one of my spiritual ammas. (I will explain that as tomorrow’s post.) Here is one of her quotes that I used in my paper. It’s so beautiful.
“Then she knelt and thanked him for his favors and, taking her crown from his head, put it on the rose-colored scars on his feet and begged that she might come closer to him. He took her in his divine arms and laid his fatherly hand on her breast and looked her in the face. Well, was she kissed at all? In the kiss she was drawn up to the most sublime heights above all the angel choirs. The least truth that I saw and heard and understood there was incomparably more than the loftiest wisdom ever uttered here on earth. I saw there things never heard before, my confessors tell me, for I am ignorant of reading or writing. And now I fear God if I keep silent, but I fear uncomprehending people if I write. Dear people, what can I do about it that this happens to me and that it has often happened? In humble simplicity, in lonely poverty, and in demeaning shame did God show me his wonders.”
365-09 #21