Since I have been getting into watercolors lately, my acrylics hadn’t been taken out for some time until I thought of a gift for my friend’s birthday. After much thought, I made some blank cards for her out of my photography portfolio. Then I thought it would be fun to paint a box for them to go into. Remembering I had a book on this topic, “Acrylic Decorative Painting”, I pulled it out and started reading. The author told me all kinds of things about sealant, finish, brushstrokes, and painting techniques. I was in seventh heaven and I’m still only half-way through! For a few days, I slowly added one layer after another to this blank wooden box, using new techniques I had learned the night before.
Though a beginner’s piece, I cannot tell you how much fun I had painting it! It looks far better than what I would have expected of myself and the result pleased me. I am now really excited to paint some more and to see how much I can learn from my other books. (I have several on painting now.)
So let me ask you what my professor asked me. “If you died tomorrow, what would you regret not having done?” Now go do that thing or start working towards it. Don’t put it off. Life can go quickly, don’t waste this most precious of gifts. Live your life, really live it-whatever that means for you. No matter what.