The last day of QUIP was a fun time to hang out and say goodbye to our friends. I hope you all enjoyed our time together. I look forward to talking with you about promotions for Spirit Rising!
This is the upstairs in the house the young adults slept in. It was a great house and it worked really well for us.

Many of us had laptops there, many of whom I would like to thank for lending them to me, including Liz Yeats below, so I could post here to my blog.

Not exactly the pictures you would expect to see from the last day of the QUIP conference but six of us on the board thought it would be fun to go to Katrina’s friend’s farm for some play time with the baby goats. They were extremely friendly and we had a delightful time cuddling them! One in particular wanted to crawl into everyone’s laps and another was particularly fond of my hair.

Sylvia, the General Secretary for Friends United Meeting, took John and I to her home in Indianapolis after lunch to hang out there before she brought me to the airport in the evening. I had the chance to spend some time with her at her office on Quaker Hill a few days before but it was great to spend even more time with her that afternoon. Thank you Sylvia! 
The lights of home. Well, almost. I live an hour away but they still count.