Labor Day

I write you as my roommate is sitting in our living room squealing over the nine boxes of books I brought home yesterday. They are left over from our meeting’s rummage sale and I am giving these away to different people who want them. (Reply to this post if you want to come by and check them out.) I may also bring some to a used bookseller or two. I figure if I give her books, she can’t be too mad at me for the Five Crowns posting. (I’ll have to keep you updated on our next Five Crown Tournament even though WE all know who is going to win.)

I had a really nice Labor Day today. It was relaxing and fun. This morning I worked on some freelance editing work I have as well as reveling in my friend’s blog which I am continuing to read. A good blog for me is like a good fiction book. It’s so hard for me to put it down. SARAH, PUT THE LAPTOP DOWN!!! STEP AWAY FROM THE LAPTOP! Just five more minutes, come on…

In the afternoon I hung out for a while at my favorite tattoo and body piercing shop. (Really!) I wasn’t getting any tattoos, it’s just a nice place to go. (Katie is now pulling out a hymn book as she knows SOMEONE who can play the piano, that would be me, and tossed it over by my keyboard. She is not a very good hinter.) The people there were very interesting to talk to. I love talking with people I don’t know and discussing piercings and tattoos can be a lot of fun. It was also nice to get out from the apartment for a while. (Katie is now singing the hymns remarking how she could play them on her guitar so we could do a duet. We are a very musical household with a lot of books. Katie says this is true. I told her I am taking pity on her because she keeps rereading her books.) The afternoon was filled with swimming under the blue sky and running down to Albany to deliver a thumb drive. Floppy disks just aren’t very reliable.

I hope you all had a great day too! It’s a four day work week! Yay! And I get to see Phantom of the Opera on Thursday! I’m very excited. I found a gorgeous gown for $6.50 at Goodwill. (I’m a bargain hunter) and I’m looking forward to wearing it. I’ll leave you with a quote I’m shamelessly stealing from my friend’s blog. It’s a good one to ponder.

“There is nothing unique about my story other than I believe one can overcome any obstacle just by having the desire to do so. I believe in happy endings. I believe that IF a story does not have a happy ending, you are only reading a chapter… the story is not over yet. Yes… a new chapter is coming.”

3 thoughts on “Labor Day”

  1. Thanks for the quote anyway. I really liked it and have copied it into my commonplace book.

    Also I’m really curious to see your gorgeous gown – any chance of a photo?

    In friendship

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