For Halloween my roommate invited me to go on a photo scavenger hunt with her young adult group from church. It sounded like fun, I sometimes join the group for fun activities, so she picked me up after I gave dollar bills to the only trick or treaters we’ve ever had, (I wasn’t about to buy candy for nobody), and we headed out. The list had all kinds of things on it. You had to take a picture of someone with a unique costume, your team on an escalator, trick or treating someone from church, fun stuff like that. Here a few pictures of the evening.
This is us in front of the escalator at the mall. My costume is from one of our tap dancing shows!
We made a pyramid . I felt a little sorry for Katie and Samantha, just a little.
This is one of my favorites. We had to take a pictue of someone from our team being scared. We figured a $118 pair of goloshs at Nordstroms would do the trick for Katie. We were right!
This is us in a phone booth. There just aren’t many around anymore. Samantha is on the phone.
We had to trick or treat someone from church so we stopped by my pastor Peggy’s house and she gave us candy. We scored extra points with the judges because she played spooky tunes on her pipe organ for us.