100 Things About Me

My friend has a list of a hundred things about her on her blog. (Which I am really enjoying reading by the way.) It sounds like fun so here’s mine: 1. My middle name, Katreen, was my great-grandmother’s middle name. I have never met anyone else with it and I love it!2. I still live

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Long and Short Photos

In years past, I used to be much more involved in the Society of Creative Anachronism, an international medieveal renactment group. I still enjoy going on occasion and so this weekend, attended Long and Short in Lebanon, Oregon. It was so much fun to see and catch up with my friends there, to them I’m

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Oregon State Fair Photos

I thought last years photos from the fair would be hard to beat. I had a great one of the ferris wheel and two more of the piglets that are absolutely priceless. However, after finishing up at the author’s table for the night, I was walking through the midway in the rain back to my

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