The Third Shoe Drop

You’ve probably heard the idea that things come in threes. This afternoon, the third shoe dropped in the form of a phone call from my friend Stacey who asked me if I wanted to participate in a show at the Elsinore Theatre here in Salem. Truth be told, I have been looking forward to having

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Music Game

I thought this was funny, I saw it done on another blog so my roommate and I each tried it out. Here are my answers. Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question. Post on your blog. Comment back if you post

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A Roommate’s Revenge

My roommate decided to take revenge on her very innocent roommate who never mentions her in her blog by creating a blog of her own. SO, the battle is on. Well, two can play at this game. She says in her posting she started it because I didn’t want to hear all her ranting. NOT

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A Diplomat is Born

This last week I was asked by the Willamette Chapter of North Pacific Yearly Meeting, a Quaker group, to be on a panel at their Quarterly meeting discussing the future of Friends and to hold an interest group on the discussion. I am asked to go as a diplomat, at first from Multwood, a cross

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The Gift of Family

This is the face I got to see walking toward me for a hug at the end of my day. After all that time at work, she put a huge smile on my face. I openly admit, Gabreella has a bit more of her Aunt Sarah’s heart every time I see her. After the hug,

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Labor Day

I write you as my roommate is sitting in our living room squealing over the nine boxes of books I brought home yesterday. They are left over from our meeting’s rummage sale and I am giving these away to different people who want them. (Reply to this post if you want to come by and

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Dream Interpretation

This was written off a dream I had last night that has stayed in my head with questions surrounding it. It feels good to be writing poetry again. Dream Interpretation Images of terror,Times since long past,Hearts that were broken,Chains that were castLeft me with dreams in the night,Asking what have I done,Torn apart the innocent,Accusing

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