My Response to the News

The last few weeks I have been watching the news, the politics, the stock market, and the financial mess oozing out of the corporate offices and into people’s lives. To some, I am sure, it feels like the world is cascading into darkness. And it is tempting to look at what is going on and […]

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One Heck of a Week…

This has been quite a week, let me tell you. I have felt like crawling underneath a table and staying there for much of it. In short, work has been VERY busy between board meetings and rule changes going into effect yesterday. I never knew before how much work it takes to run a government.

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Words of Wisdom

I loved these words of wisdom when I read them. I think you will too… “It’s not your job that makes a difference in the world, it is the parts of YOU that you take to work everyday that makes the difference.”

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Deviant Sexual Arousal

“Deviant sexual arousal…” As if on cue, Emily walked in just as I was saying those words to Megan and without thinking, as an explanation, I looked up and told her, “I was just telling Megan about my day.” Without missing a beat, Emily replied, “It sounds like you had a lot better day than

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Checking In

I don’t have a lot to say tonight but thought I would post a hi and how are you all doing? Life has been full in this corner of the blogosphere. On October 11th, I am dancing with my tap dancing troupe at the Elsinore Theater so we are rehearsing 3-4 times a week. This

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Healing Waters

Tonight I took my journal down to the pool to write for a while. It felt so good, just to write about things from my heart. Why don’t I write in my journal more often when I know how much it helps? Dusk was falling gently around me as darkness was slowly flowing over the

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Thoughts on a Hazy Night

Tonight I have been spending the evening out on my porch. If you can count on the weather in Oregon to do anything, you can count on it to be wackily weird. It’s mid September and in the mid 90’s. I think that is kind of like seeing snow falling, and sticking, in April. It

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Death in a Dream

Saturday night I dreamed I was an American woman soldier during World War II> Soemthing was wrong where I needed help and I came across some German women soldiers who thought I was also German. When they were trying to help me, I attempted, to hide the Star of David hanging around my neck in

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