A Turn of Events

I really wish I had better news to share with you tonight. Perhaps it is good news but I don’t fully see that right now. Most of what I see is a bad economy and me, really in need of a job. This afternoon I went to my manager to give her a project I […]

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21st Centuring Threats

Yesterday I took my camera down to the Capital Mall, a park surrounding the Oregon capital building, and took many photos. You can see them at www.flickr.com/SpriritWaterPublications/ When I got home, I submitted my favorite one to the Statesman Journal, our local paper, along with one I took of my friend’s cat while house sitting

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Death of a Salesman

A year and a half ago, Stacey was asked if our tap dancing troupe would participate in a fund raiser by performing two of our pieces in a show. Stacey, always one for having us in a show said yes and soon we were polishing up the dances and working on our costumes. Having performed

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Thanksgiving Day

This may sound funny but this afternoon I realized it is Thanksgiving, a time to give thanks. There is so much in my life to be grateful for. The first things that come into mind are not things at all but people, images. Stacey dancing, Katie cheating at cards, my nieces playing, Emily sitting on

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Thanks be to God

When God knows you need something, he does not withhold it from your hands. Yesterday I was at Eugene Friends Church to speak about the Quaker Youth Book Project which went well. After the service, a woman I recognized approached me with a smile. Her name is Barbara and we were friends at seminary. Since

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