Update On the Car

My brother and Dad tested the pressure in the valves of my car this afternoon. The lack of pressure did turn out to be the problem but it also meant my motor is pretty much gone. So now I am in the market for a used car. If anyone knows of any possibilities, leave a […]

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Costume Fittings

This morning we had costume fittings at the theatre. Thus far, I have only been to the lobby and as an audience member watching a show. I had little to no idea what was behind it all. Ed, who has been graciously giving me rides, and I saw Geri go up a side door and

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Charm School

In late spring, early summer of 2008, a hairdresser told me my haircut did not match my personality at all. Short and spikey apparently fit me better. Shortly thereafter, I met Emily and hired her to stick a needle through my nose for a nose ring. Encouraged by my success thus far, I let Melanie

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Happy New Years! 365-9 #1

A friend of mine decided to challenge herself by blogging every day for all of 2009, even if it’s just one word. The “365-09 Challenge”. Intrigued, I have decided to joing the challenge along with my friend Harriet in England. We will see how it goes. Not to be cliche’, but I do have a

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Great Quotes

There are several pertinent quotes I would like to share with you today: This one I’ve had on a virtual post-it note on my desktop. It has greater meaning to me now than when I first read it. “It’s not that things are any better, nor have I made any head way, but I *am*

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November 2008 – Thankful

I finally have my book website caught up- for the next two days anyway until January. Here is the November newsletter. Thankful This may sound funny but this afternoon I realized it is Thanksgiving, a time to give thanks. There is so much in my life to be grateful for. The first things that come

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New Banner

For several months I have been jealous of how my friend can change her banner several times a day on her blog. Tonight, since I am up WAY too late anyway, I decided to try it. Here is my attempt using a sibling photo we took in mid-December. I will be changing it soon as

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Merry Christmas!

Sitting on the couch looking at my Christmas tree all lit up in dark put me in a reflective mood and I thought I would bring you along. It’s Christmas eve. A familiar time, often a good time, sometimes quite painful, but this year it’s different. This is the first year I am not seeing

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Gift from a Friend

I just got off the phone with my friend J.D. He and his wife live down in Eugene and he works for the state. This evening he was reading my blog post about losing my job and he called me immediately not only to give empathy, but to tell me a story of his own.

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