
I felt that today was pretty productive. I kicked off my morning at the Blue Pepper Coffee Shop working on editing for the publication, “Western Friend”, sent some quilt designs to a client for review, and finished updating my resume. Idle hands bring despair I am told. I am finding this to be true, I […]

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Today was a long day at the theatre. (Though I think I may have taken some good pictures!) My friend Ben is doing the lights. We went to high school together and it is nice to see him again. I have tomorrow off which will be a nice break. Our first public performance is next

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A Different Perspective

Tonight my head is in poetic clouds, just where it should be. I hope it stays there. Tomorrow after dance class I am working along with some of the cast on the set. It will be nice to be building something fun and good. When I saw my first Pentacle Show three and a half

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A Larger View

I realized when I woke up this morning I had forgotten to post last night. Thus, I am using my loophole of posting late but still posting. I was walking home yesterday with adult responsibility laying heavy on my shoulders. Searching for a way to stay on my feet by taking on things I would

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Optimism Anywhere?

I just finished reading the headlines on our local paper and now have a bleak outlook so I am going to read for a while about the “Troubles” in Ireland, realize I really do have quite a lot, and then I’m going to sleep. I’ll look for a job in the morning. 365-09 #6

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Tap Shoes and High Heels

This afternoon I attended Stacey’s Monday afternoon tap dancing class. It was very refreshing and fun, a great confidence booster. I love the theatre but being relatively new at it, it was nice to trade the high heels in for tap shoes I’ve been wearing for three and a half years. Ironically, practicing in those

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Get Moving!

People keep asking me if I’m writing more poetry. Not even the polite questions of “I know you enjoy it” but are more along the insisitent lines of “I love reading it, why aren’t you writing it? Get moving!” God has been saying the same exact thing, “I love reading it, why aren’t you writing

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