Happy Birthday Megan!

Good Evening. I’m setting the record straight. I will still be posting on my blog as much as I can on a daily basis while my computer is in the shop. There is a computer lab here at our apartment complex and Katie often brings home her laptop as well. I have been considering sending

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Playing Catch-Up

Okay. Here is a catch up for those following my story. My computer’s internal power plug is having issues. Frankly, I’ve been too afraid to set it up on my desk to see if I leave it alone, it will work. But that needs to get done and I need to back my files up.

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Tonight I went to tap dancing. I haven’t realized how much this show has taken out of me. Though the part is not big, night after night is demanding. I need to work on getting myself up at a better hour in the morning. 365-09 #27

Hmmm Read More »

Standing Ovations

This afternoon we had another standing ovation at curtain call. We as a cast feel we have a terrific show, truly terrific. I understand a woman cried steadily throughout the last forty-five minutes of the show. Woohoo! The more we perform it, the more I realize it may be a drama upstairs, but it is

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Opening Night

Something on the transportation front might actually be breaking but as it’s still in progress, I won’t fully write about it until it goes through. Still, it’s an amount of release which I have badly needed. I hope it works out and soon. Opening night was fantastic. It was fun and as some of the

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Pressure Cooker

I feel like a pressure cooker that’s temperature was just turned up another couple of notches. The power plug in my laptop is loose which means expense and time when I can afford neither. It may not sound like a big deal but with the way laptops are built, apparently it is. It also means

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