*Hugs* Madi and Gabee!

Tonight I needed to do something completely for MYSELF, something FUN!!! Something that did not involve baking, or the computer, or sewing, or any of that stuff. Something that was purely for ME, that I would enjoy. So I made a well-placed phone call, changed into a nice dress and high heels which I can […]

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The Four Agreements

My friend, Stacey, recommended I read the book, “The Four Agreements”. So yesterday on my way home I stopped for a visit at the library to check out a copy. I am really going to like this book, I already do. It sees things from a perspective I was learning to see from by the

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I’m on my forth bottle of water. Lisa wanted me to drink that many to flush the toxins out after my massage this afternoon. Words fail to describe how good that felt. I always thought massages were one of those things that just felt good but I have been carrying so much stress and tension

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Two of the Greatet Gifts

Today I tried every remedy I could think of to get rid of this congestion. Still trying actually but it has definitely improved. Tap dancing for an hour of course made it hard to breathe without coughing but Stacey says exercise helps a cold by getting the blood flowing. Now later on, I can breathe

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In the Midst of Illness

Tonight I took a break from the couch by taking my camera to the theatre rehearsal halls downtown to take 30 head shots of the cast of Seussical. By the time I was finished, I had actually taken about 200 pictures as each actor got to choose which one they wanted in the program. Randy,

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Not Sick of My Company

By the end of the show, several of the cast members we’re sick, including me. This morning I made it to church with my friend, Deanna, who came to see the show, but I wasn’t feeling well. She then met me back at my apartment where I was already changed into pajamas and laid out

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Closing Night

Closing night was fantastic! I have mixed feelings about it. I am sad I won’t get to spend so much time with my fellow cast members. After spending three months together, it will be an adjustment. However, it will also be nice to have my evenings free to do other things. My friend Tricia Ferguson

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Thoughts in the Dark

In the play, there are two scenes I’m in. After exiting the stage in a style all my own, (I heard a man laugh particularly loudly at that move tonight), I walk quietly over to one of the staircases leading up to a room on the set and sit silently until I hear my next

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