It’s a Small World

Tonight I met up with Ali downtown to give her a key for the apartment. After sitting at the Reed Opera House, we walked around downtown and had dinner together at SOBA. As Katie has mentioned, it’s nice that Ali and I have a chance to get to know each other as friends before moving […]

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Gardening the Soul

I tell you, I am looking forward to the weather warming up. My Internet is best from the deck and it gets cold out there at night, quilt and all. Brrr… These last few days I have steadily been working through my to-do list- the things I need to get done before leaving for the

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A Library of Peace

Working at the library today was like that night I spent at the pool late last summer. For those who have started reading this blog since then, it was a warm night and I was by the pool writing in my journal when I decided to go swimming fully clothed. Under an orange moon, it

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Weaving Sacred Wholeness

I wrote this for my church last Sunday about the “Weaving Sacred Wholeness” conference. Weaving Sacred Wholeness Stepping outside the Savannah airport, I met Seth Barch, a Friend about my age who was picking me up after my day of flying across the continent. He told me we had been invited to dinner at the

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Solved and Done, Hello?

Why can’t problems just be solved and done? While I was at Multwood tonight, Carry replaced the brakes and rotors on my car. Driving home, I noticed a burning smell and a slight pull to the left. I pulled over and called him. He said it was burning the grease off the parts and that

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“Today” Quote

A few days ago, this was Emily’s #87 blog post in it’s entirety: “I asked Sarah to smell the mens room… it was a slow day.” Thanks Emily, never a dull moment at your shop, is it? 365-09 #94 (And I’m back on track!)

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April 2009 – “I’ve Got Brains in My Head and Feet in My Shoes!”

April 2009 Newsletter From My Website “I’ve Got Brains in My Head and Feet in My Shoes!” Quietly, I make my way along the light-lit path and out onto the deck of the Pentacle Theatre. I can just hear The Cat in the Hat starting the auction scene in act two in “Seussical the

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Thoughts on Blogging

Tonight as I was driving home from the tattoo studio, I was decidedly in the mood for pie at Sharri’s. However, I didn’t think I would be able to talk Katie into it as it was 10 pm by that point and I had papers to sort anyway. And, we rarely ever go over there

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