A Holy Moment

After dinner, I was sitting outside on the porch reading a blog when I heard this commotion with what sounded like blinds. I didn’t know whether it was in my apartment or another so I went inside and looked in our window. I saw the black scrunchy I keep by my computer to pull back […]

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

It is said that life is what happens when you’re doing something else. On my back porch I planted flowers a while back. They’re still alive! Isn’t that awesome? I have so much enjoyed watching them grow. One pot was even quite wilted after I got back from Portland but with some rain, it came

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Swirling in my Mind…

It’s one of those nights when I have a lot on my mind. I’ve been having a lot of those lately and there are so many things on so many different levels. From those deep feelings and thoughts moving where they can hardly be named, to the list of things needing to be done- for

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Where the Water Runs Deep

I was sitting beside Stacey last night at a dance show when during intermission, I turned to her and asked, “This is a poetical way to ask the question, but is dance what makes your soul breathe?” She thought about that for a few seconds and agreed that yes, it is. For anyone who knows

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Lets be Friends

I didn’t blog last night because after our potluck in Portland I drove over to small group to catch the last bit of time with my friends there. Sitting on the couch, I knew driving home on the verge of crashing might not be the best idea so I stayed with Carole in Vancouver for

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So Far, So Good!

Thank you for your prayers!  So far, so good.  Tomorrow we drive to Newberg.  Today was A LOT of fun.  We took a tour (led by yours truly) of George Fox Evangelical Seminary, visited the Tulip Festival outside of Woodburn (which everyone loved- especially the cutouts you could stick your face into and the large

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Please Pray

Between cleaning out the kitchen, getting my car fixed, and getting ready to be with four other board members for the next two days, I have had a very full day. I feel like central command coordinating and overseeing the movements of four people through the Northwest. In fact, when I’m talking to one of

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As I was sitting out on the porch this afternoon with Allie, my new roommate who doesn’t actually move in until Thursday, I was looking at a plant still in the cheap plastic pot that is wilted probably beyond repair as a result of not getting watered while I was gone. It’s really quite a

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Friday Night Panel

For the panel on Friday night, we read a lot of the submissions we’ve received. The QUIP group really enjoyed them and asked us a few questions such as about John’s travels and what we wanted this book project to be. I also got to talk about our vision for the book and that was

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