Nourishing My Soul

Today I wasn’t allowed to label a single photograph on the Pentacle’s flickr site. I tend to work on a project until it’s done, only taking breaks when I really need them. But I needed a more relaxed day, I need to have that still place inside me to anchor myself to with the dance […]

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This afternoon I went down to the World Beat Festival here in Salem to watch Stacey dance with the Molly Malone Irish Dancers. She devotes herself to what she loves. It’s obvious. It’s in every step and every smile, so though the show doesn’t change that much, and I’ve seen them perform many times, it’s

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Me For Now

Good morning friends! This week I have been focussed on getting all of those Pentacle photos posted, labeled and organized on flickr for all of the Pentacle Theatre cast and crew. I’m getting there! I’m now onto Death of a Salesman, the show I was in, which is actually the hardest as I’m working with

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I Remember

On our drive out into the country tonight, my friend and I took one of my favorite roads. I love it not because it’s beautiful, though it is, but because of the spirit and aura it holds for me. My spiritual director I had for many years lives on that road and on the occasions

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Turning into the Future

What? Did everyone blog tonight? I have a dashboard full of blog updates of friends I want to read! Usually, there’s a whole lot of nuttin’. While you were all writing, I went with a friend to see a movie and then we took a drive in the country because we needed to get out

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#300 Post!!!

Though I have been participating in the blog challenge of blogging every day of 2009, my blogging dashboard tells me this is overall post #300!!! YAY!!! Who would have thought? I hope in all those blogs I have said things worth reading, that you have taken away with you and enjoyed, or at least thought

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Seeing with Divine Eyes

Tonight I took the rehearsal photographs for “Comic Potential” which opens in about two weeks at the Pentacle Theatre. They certianly have me laughing! Since the first night I walked into their rehearsal hall to start photographing their head shots for the program, there was one actress that stood out to me. From the get-go,

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I’ve been busy working on reorganizing my website. After working on Stacey’s last week, adding oodles of photographs to the photo gallery, now I am working on updating my own. Her website was a lot more fun because you could see the results. The organizing on mine you’ll never see but it makes it much

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Where Do You Even Begin?

I just arrived home from the theatre where “Retreat from Moscow” closed. I had been given this show off, I didn’t have to take the pictures, so I knew about as much as anyone else about it besides already having seen the set. It was nice to just go and see a show there without

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Island Life

You got beat out last night by a walk on the beach and time in the hot tub. Can you blame me? Aunt Sharri and I spent the entire day doing pretty much nothing but sitting out on the deck enjoying the view and talking the day away. It was wonderful for us both who

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