Mystics Class

We had a fantastic class on Saturday. I am auditing the Spiritual Writings of the Mystics class at the seminary this term and am already greatly enjoying it, homework and all. What more could you want than to spend the day with people who speak your language all studying something you dearly love? If I

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Angels Around Us

You think you know the world, how it works. You think you know your theology, what the Bible says, and who God is, how he operates. You think you know until you realize what you don’t know and that what you do know is what you thought you didn’t know. You know? I thought I

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Exploring the Mystics

There are many things running through my head tonight. For one, today we started posting for the mystics class I am taking. Here is what I wrote. As a young 20-something, a friend wrote to me, “I do believe you are a mystic at heart.” Not knowing what a “mystic” was, I looked it up

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I am Me

Tonight was our first tap class after a wonderfully long break of a month and a half. During the break, Stacey and Sheri participated in a tap workshop in Vancouver BC and as is always the case, she brought back new material for us. Tonight she talked a lot about being loose, relaxed, dancing out

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“Questions are not scary. What is scary is when people don’t have any. What is tragic is faith that has no room for them.” I am reading “Velvet Elvis” right now and am taking it little bit by little bit, not because it is hard to digest or uninteresting, but because the author’s words are

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I’m Going to Africa!

“If you dream the impossible and reach for the stars, you may find God calling you from among them.” Just over two weeks ago I started dreaming that “impossible dream”. I have been invited to go speak at the triennial of the Young Quaker Christian Association of Africa which includes facilitating programs and workshops. It

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