Conference Begins at Mubanga

We are now settled at Mabanga where Jez and I are taking pictures of a praying mantis in his room. Tonight we officially opened the conference after having people arrive all afternoon from Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and of course the foreign delegation from Britain, America, and the Netherlands. Folks from Tanzania are arriving tomorrow. […]

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Church – Kenyan Style

I thought I would just write a quick message to all of you while I had internet access for a few minutes. We are at the Friends International Center taking care of some odds and ends and showing those who have not seen the center around. (I saw it on Monday.) This morning’s church service

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You, I am sure, would love to see some pictures first so here you go. 🙂 Good Morning! I would like to add a specific prayer request besides safety, health, and ministry. While the bug bites have been going down (they don’t itch by the way), there is one on my face that is swollen

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First Kiss

Yes, that really is a picture of what you think it is- me kissing a giraffe. It was actually pretty fun and one of those many cultural experiences I’ve had here. Others have included Nairobi rush hour traffic (don’t plan on moving much), moving out of the path of a muddy warthog, trying to walk

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They Have Square Bread

Square bread. They have square bread. The other is round. I am still figuring this out. They also have a toilet that deserves to be in an art museum. There have been many of these kinds of moments today. In case you were wondering, I slept straight through the night and woke up shortly before

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Teilard de Chardin

I think I found a new mystic to enter into the circle of “my favorites”. Teilard de Chardin was wonderful to read, I kept finding quotes I loved that spoke to my spirit. I have found it very inspiring to think about the deeper reality that underlies everything we see and hear. This reality, the

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A Practical Side

It was refreshing to read Johannes Tauler, a mystic with a practical side. I think his words are as appropriate and timely today as they were in his time. We still struggle to see work as something to incorporate as a part of our spiritual lives. We think work takes us away from our lives

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My Africa Itinerary

Here is the itinerary for my trip to Africa. Feel free to bookmark this post and check back every once in a while to find out where I’ll be that day! I know a lot more about the first part of the trip than the last half but from what I’ve heard, it will all

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