Hamentashen Cookie Making

Next weekend we start putting the Hamentashen cookies together at temple. I am really looking forward to it. Making those cookies with such a great community is one of my favorite traditions of the year. They are such good cookies too. Yum… Deanna may help us for a while this year when she comes down […]

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Thanksgiving 2009

I left for Africa the Saturday after Thanksgiving so these never got posted. My niece, Madison took the last two photographs. We’ve been working on taking pictures since she was about one. Even at three and a half, my family is still surprised I let her handle my camera. But she is getting better and

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New Years Gathering

So Sarah got back from Kenya and then what, she left, AGAIN? Yes. I came home from Kenya, spent Christmas here in Oregon and then repacked my bags for the Young Adult Quaker New Years Gathering in Northern California. It was fun and gave me time to work on a writing project I had to

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Christmas 2009

I’m finally getting a bunch of these pictures I’ve been meaning to post up here on the blog. These are from Christmas (obviously). The two little girls are my nieces, Madison and Gabreella. In the one of me and Madison, we are showing off our purple tongues- souvenirs from the grape popsicles we ate.

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Wedding Showcase

This last weekend I modeled wedding gowns at the Wedding Showcase at the State Fairgrounds. It’s been a good experience for me doing things like that and I of course, enjoy performing. It also gave me time in between shows to put all my photos from Africa in albums so that is nice to have

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A Writing Penseive

I apologize for the lack of posts for the last week and a half. Quite frankly, it’s been a tough week. Today God stepped in before the pressure blew and gave me a sub job with lots of time to write in my journal. The kids were reading quietly in reading class as it is

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Voicing our Stories

Some of my favorite memories from my time growing up were the concerts we gave on our One Heart tours. One Heart was the high school choir made up of people from our youth group at the church I grew up in. As we had a very large youth group, over seventy kids on a

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