The Mystical Stream

Mystics: They are those who look at the blue sky and see the stars, those who reach for the heavens and grasp a hand, who talk to God and expect to hear His voice. I wrote these words when trying to describe what mysticism is like. Many people hear that word and think of images

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Women in Ministry

Sitting in front of me were thirteen women, most of them African, expectantly looking at me to tell them about women in ministry. They were strong women with gifts and talents, a desire to serve, and living in a culture that generally speaking, does not give them many rights of their own. One of the

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It is said that we preach on what we need to learn most. Today we are talking about margins. At seminary, Dr. Brunner talked to us about putting margins in our lives, a full day of rest and then two more sets of four hours each to do whatever our souls needed. This was fantastic

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Beauty in the Sky

At Ecclessia, we all chose something to give up or to add to our daily lives during Lent. I chose to write a poem a day. Writitng poems is holy ground for me, a place where I hear God and myself with greater clarity. Since starting this practice, I have felt God close by and

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Notes for Two

As a follow up to my Valentine’s Day post, this is a beautiful image of love- two musicians, 2 different lines of music coming together. “An elderly couple walked into the lobby of the Mayo Clinic for a checkup and spotted a piano. They’ve been married for 62 years and he’ll be 90 this year.

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