I Drove…

Today I had a forty-five minute lunch. After warming up the dish I brought, I decided I would rather eat in my car than in that staff room. So I got in my car, turned on the ignition and headed for the freeway. I drove. I just drove. I needed to be away from, well, […]

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One End or the Other

The last half of this week, my books kept coming up in different conversations. On Wednesday, a friend from the theatre shared with me that his daughter, who has my second book, used one of the poems for a school report. Then on Thursday, I ran into a friend from the seminary at the school

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Where is Sarah?

Hello friends. Were you wondering where I had gone? Life has been very full lately and I am learning the importance of margins because I don’t feel like I have them. I know things are really busy and intense right now so I am trying to work through that at the same time as trying

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Spirit Rising: Book Release

Yesterday was a very full day. After breakfast, I led a workshop on Writing as Prayer. Personally, I love workshops that are more interactive and so I lead my own in that manner, a style the attendees appreciated. We had good discussion and good questions. I really enjoyed the time we got to spend together.

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Thursday at QUIP

Between the blogging panel, the Writing as Prayer workshop, and all the events for the book, I haven’t had much time to post on here. However, things have slowed down now and while I listen to this workshop, Poetry as Ministry which right now feels like balm to my soul, I’m going to post pictures

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Yesterday’s Pictures

Here are yesterday’s pictures: Emily and her house where I blogged from. Mary, Emily, and I drove to Richmond together. Our evening session last night with Tom, the Quaker archivist at Earlham. Several of the young adults going out for a night on the town! There was a plethera of laughter! This one is actually

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Let Liberty Ring

Good morning everyone! Last night I had the choice between blogging or going out for a late night snack with friends whom I haven’t seen in a year. Frankly speaking, it wasn’t a tough choice. But the internet is working in this building now and there are a lot of people with laptops. (Writer’s conference

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Hiking with a Twist

This morning started out with a ride in the subway ending on 2nd street where I got out and walked to South Street. It was a hike with a twist. Along the way I got to see Society Hill which is beautiful and very historic and then all the interesting shops along South Street including

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