Photo Study of Faces

Many times throughout my posts I have mentioned Ecclesia, a house church I am a part of here in Salem.  A week ago we went camping on the beach and while there, I had the idea of creating a photo study of their faces, a style of photography I have often admired in the work […]

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“Being” the Church

When you hear the word “church”, what comes to mind?  If you are like me, the first thing that pops into your head is the picture of a building like the one above.  You think of the tall windows, the steeple, or simply the building you enter into on a semi-regular basis, or the one you

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You always find out how much stuff you really have when you move. You also realize how much you have that you don’t use. Think about it. How much stuff do you have that you wouldn’t miss if you didn’t have it? Really? How much would you never know is gone? Those are the questions

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Making the Space for Change

“Did you get the July notes?” “No, I don’t remember getting them.” “I sent them on July first.” “Hmm. I’ll double check when I get home.” This, more or less, was the conversation Stacey and I had tonight after she looked at the On Tap website for July, a website I designed and regularly update

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