July 2009

Photography at Bush Park

Yesterday morning my friend, Deborah, and I went down to Bush Park with our cameras and had a blast taking pictures. It’s amazing what there is to take pictures of if you stop and really look around you. Photography is a lot like poetry. All kinds of material is around me, it’s just a matter

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As I am sure you are well aware if you live in the area, it is hot! I am one of those people that don’t have air conditioning so I went downtown and hung out at the theatre office for a bit and then the tattoo parlor. I wonder, did people have techniques for surviving

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One of Those Nights…

Tonight is just one of those nights when I hope I will have a more positive outlook in the morning. I can’t put my finger on any one thing, just a general sense of heavy, dark, humidity in the air. It’s that time when I question if I really am making the right decisions. It

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A Moment

Tonight we went out to the Roadhouse after the show. I am proud of myself that I have the whole backstage routine down and that Act 2 went incredibly smooth. Act 2 is the really busy act for the stage crew. Tonight I was taking pictures of people getting ready, putting on Benny’s makeup, and

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The Teacher Appears

My current book of choice is “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” which I checked out from the library. It’s a good read. This morning I came across the phrase, “When a student is ready, a teacher appears.” That struck me as very true. When I have been ready for a new lesson

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Close the Door

I gave the dead guy my baggage tonight. He took it for me as he recovered from his death scene and I closed the doors. Then I flew out to the balcony in the back waving my arms like a maniac to where the stage manager was helping someone get dressed down below so she

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Moving the Baggage

Tonight while working backstage at “Comic Potential”, I had a terrible time closing one of the accordion walls to the upper stage. Finally after it was closed, I learned there was a suitcase that needs to be moved first before I close the wall. I didn’t see the suite case myself because it is completely

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