Sing Out!
Today is my friend Stacey’s birthday. I think she would like this clip from Celtic Woman. I sure do! 365-09 #131
Today is my friend Stacey’s birthday. I think she would like this clip from Celtic Woman. I sure do! 365-09 #131
Do you ever get dropped into something absolutely wonderful for no particular reason? Something that comes as a complete surprise out of the blue? A couple of weeks ago an acquaintance e-mailed me letting me know he was given two tickets to see Celtic Woman for Christmas and asked if I would like to accompany
Celtic Woman… WOW! Read More »
I’ve stayed up once again, way too late. Tonight’s excuse was making all the calculations for a quilt I’ve been hired to make and then laying that all out for the woman/friend who has hired me to do it. It’s a very good thing I like math. I really don’t have many deep thoughts for
Quotes to Think About Read More »
Today at Richmond, I was working on the inventory while Adria was showing her classes a video about the book fair. One of the lines in the video is, “Sometimes you have to step into the darkness to see the light.” I really liked that quote as it is exactly one of the things Adria
Making the Choice on Pain: Part 2 Read More »
Next week is my friend, Stacey’s birthday. She has brought so much joy into my life and she has taught me a lot about the attitude in which to live it. This lesson has been very important to me because I had been living my life from a very different perspective than joy and love.
Making the Choice on Pain Read More »
I wish I had a pensieve I could pour thoughts out into like Professor Dumbledore in Harry Potter. My journal is like that if I would just take the time to write in it! Working with my photography tonight, I am struck with how this one conveys so well my sense of God. 365-09 #125
I had forgotten I even took the quiz, “What was your profession in a past life?” on facebook while I worked on other screens. Then as I happened to click back onto it, there was the result in plain language. The answer to my questions of what am I here for, what is the true
This morning we met before church to talk about community. This is one of the quotes we looked at: Parker Palmer – “In a true community we will not choose our companions, for our choices are so often limited by self-serving motive. Instead our companions will be given to us by grace. Often they will
I quite honestly don’t have a lot to write about tonight. There are things I could write about, but I’m very tired which is very unusual for me this early on but I am thinking of heading to bed with a book in hand. I’m rather overwhelmed with all I have to do and pulling